$6500 in Scholarships – We offer two $2000 scholarships to students from Draughn High School. In addition, the Club will offer a $500 non-traditional scholarship for a student already attending college. For Hallyburton Academy Students, we offer 4 $500 scholarships (2 each graduating period).
Hallyburton Academy – Provide money and teachers for Music Class, Art Program and Financial Security Classes. Host First Friday Breakfast for students with professionals from the community speaking. Sponsor an Interact Club. Help with Spring Fling Cookout each year.
Books for Summer Reading Program -For the 3rd graders required to attend summer school, for books to take home with them. Usually 3 books per student.
Meals on Wheels – Rotarians rotate to cover the Wednesday shift.
$200 for Books – Send each year to a primary school in Guatemala that is supported by the Presbyterian Church and a local Rotary Club.
Parks – In 2005, our club created Rotary Park located at the tennis courts on Carolina Street. In 2017, our club has pledged $10,000 for park amenities at the Valdese Lakeside Park.
Water Project in Africa – Will be working with Wine to Water
School Service Clubs – Sponsor Interact Clubs at Heritage Middle, Draughn High and Hallyburton Academy.
Spring Leadership Camp – Send 4 rising high school students to camp for 4 days.
Meals of Hope – Food packaging
Rotary International
CART – Coins for Alzheimer’s Research Trust – Hosted an event at Grace Ridge in October, 2016 to raise awareness of Alzheimer’s. Collect money each week for the fund.
Polio – Rotary, along with our partners, has reduced polio cases by 99.9 percent worldwide since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979.