We would love to have your join us!!
Rotary is 1.2 million passionate individuals in 35,000+ clubs worldwide. We are both an international organization and a local community leader. Together we lead change in our own backyards and across the world.
The Valdese Club was organized in September, 1947. Our club is a part of Rotary District 7670 and Rotary International.
When does Rotary meet? We meet for lunch every Tuesday at Noon at the Old Rock School.
Is attendance required? No. However, you are encouraged to attend a minimum of 50% of the meetings. If you attend a club fundraiser, committee meeting or club event/project, this can count as a meeting as well.
How much are dues? $165 billed quarterly. Includes lunch. (see below for those under 40)
What would be asked of me if I join the club? Simply to give what you can of your time, talents and resources. You will find there are many opportunities to be involved and can pick those that best fit.
Will there be someone to help me along as I learn? We will assign you a seasoned member to help you along the way.
Is the club involved in politics or religion? Rotary is a nonpolitical, nonreligious organization.
How do I know if it is right for me before I make a commitment? We invite you to attend three meetings as our guest. Take time to learn about our group and to see if it is a fit. After three meetings, if you are interested, you are welcomed into the club.
What is the next step for me to become a member? Get to a meeting and/or talk to a current member. Submit a Rotary Membership Application. We will be happy to help you along your way.
Membership Dues & Fees – $165 per quarter
(If you are under 40 years old, your dues will be $50 per quarter for the first year, $100 per quarter for the second year and then beginning third year, 100% of dues going forward. You must attend 3 meetings before submitting your application.)
This includes yearly totals:
- District dues $45
- Rotary International dues $155
- Rotary Sustaining member dues $100
- Rotary International magazine $6
- Lunch $330
Additional Support:
- Basket for silent auction ~$30
- 10 tickets to Big Breakfast (sell or purchase) = $70 (if we have it)
- 5 tickets to Annual Auction (sell or purchase) = $75 (if we have it)
Spouse Members –
Member dues – $660
Spouse dues – $460 (club pays RI and District Dues – done as an effort to increase membership)
Orientation Info
History of Rotary (rotary.org)
The first Rotary Club was organized in Chicago by a young lawyer named Paul P. Harris, and held its first meeting on February 23, 1905, with four business and professional men in attendance. The meeting was held in the Unity Building at 12 Dearborn Street, in the office of Gus Loehr, a mining engineer. In addition to Paul and Gus, the group consisted of Hiram Shorey, a merchant tailor and Silvester Schiele, a coal dealer. The men were trying to capture that sense of fellowship they had in the small towns from which they had originated. Soon they developed the higher purpose of service to others.
The men met in rotation at each other’s places of business, hence the name Rotary. To make the club a representative cross section of the business and professional community, only one representative of each business or profession was admitted. This was the beginning of the classification principle of membership.
Today: 1.2 million members; 35,000 clubs – People of Action
Vision statement: Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Avenues of Service
- Promote peace
- Fight disease (Polio)
- Provide clean water, sanitation, and hygiene
- Save mothers and children
- Support education
- Grow local economies
The Four-Way Test
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The Rotary Motto: Service Above Self
The Rotary Wheel Emblem: In 1923, Rotary adopted as its official symbol the present gear wheel with 24 cogs and six spokes. An Aggie engineer recognized it would not work if it did not have a “keyway” so later the keyway was added to the official Rotary emblem. The emblem is made into a lapel pin presented to new members of Rotary, and Rotarians are encouraged to wear the pin in their daily business activities.
The Rotary Club: Each club is chartered by Rotary International. The purposes of the club are fellowship and service. All clubs are subject to the rules and regulations as laid down by Rotary International. Clubs are required to adopt and abide by the Rotary International Standard Club Constitution.
We are – Rotary Club of Valdese – organized September 1947
Zone 33 (D.C., DE, MD, NC, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV) rizones33-34.org
District 7670 (Hickory west) rotary7670.org – District Governor leads
The Rotary Foundation (started by Arch Klumph in 1917)
- Rotary Foundation Sustaining Member – When you give $100 or more per year to the Annual Fund. Every member of our club is a sustaining member. $25 of your club dues each quarter go to the Annual Fund.
- Paul Harris Fellow – When you give $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant. Every member of our club is a Paul Harris Fellow. Points are shared from other members to make this happen.
- Multiple Paul Harris Fellow – When you give additional gifts of $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant.
- Paul Harris Society member – When you elect to contribute $1,000 or more annually to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant.
- Others: Bequest Society, Major Donor, Arch Klumph Society, Legacy
What is Expected of You as A Rotarian
- Attend meetings of your Rotary Club on a regular basis (make-ups)
- Stay current with your Club financial obligations
- Join a committee
- Try to attend a District Conference, Meeting, Training
- Wear your Rotary Pin – if not daily, at least on Tuesday. Or just talk about our club.
- Practice the Four Way Test in personal and professional life
- Put Service Above Self
- Participate in Fundraisers and Service Projects
How to get more involved:
Officer Positions: Club President, President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer
Committees/Directors: Sergeant-at-Arms, Past President, Club Administration, Community, Foundation, Fundraising, International, Membership, Past Presidents, Public Image, Vocational, Youth