Publicity – Kristina Mercer

We do have a Publicity Chair for our club, and a great one at that – Kristina Mercer. The position is not about tooting our own horn – but getting the word out regarding who we are and what we do. This will help in membership recruitment (to have more people to provide more service hours) and help the community be more willing to help us when we ask for donations and sponsorships for fundraisers (to have more money to spend on service projects and scholarships).

In our first month of the new club year, Kristina has sent in articles to the The News Herald resulting in 4 stories published and had our club mentioned in the District Newsletter. She also keeps our facebook page up-to-date. New signage and business cards have also been added to our resources.

Stop in and talk to us at the Town’s Family Fun Nights on Sept 8 and Sept 22 and during Treats in the Streets at Brinkley Insurance. Better yet, visit us at a meeting – Tuesday at Noon at the Old Rock School.



Rotarian of the Year

Scholarships Awarded